Saturday, March 5, 2011
Photobook Update
As you can see in the post below, I've finally made a photobook of a wedding I did. I'm totally happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to get a hard copy of the book in my hands to check out. I'll probably do a video of the book when it comes in. It's full color with an image wrap cover and has 78 full color pages. It took a lot longer to make than I thought it would -- mainly because there were over 200 pics in the book, each of them being 3MB or more in size. The final size of the book was an Indesign file of 236.8MB and the output PDF totaled 720.9MB. I'm sure my computer is glad the project is finished! It was really fun to make though. Sometimes, when I work on the same project for a long time, I get tired of it. This time, although I spent maybe 30 hours on it, it was different. It was new and fresh. It was something I really wanted Jennie to like (which I believe she did). Hopefully I'll get to do a few more for couples and maybe a few for myself. They really are a great way to show off work and also a great way to hold a little bit of a past time in your hands, bringing it back to the present to relive again if just for a little while.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Cows on Dixie Drive
Here are some pictures of cows I took while on my way to pick up Nate from his Aunt Lindsay's house. I had my camera and thought that the lighting looked really cool so I turned around and took some shots. They are a little processed but I had to because as you can tell, the sun was directly in front of me. I had to cut out the sky, process it, and then process the trees, grass, cows and tractor that were in the other layer. It took longer then I expected but I think they look pretty cool, well kinda. I may delete these and start all over again tomorrow.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Brewer - Strange Wedding
Here's a sneak peak at my last photo outing. It was the wedding ceremony of Ryan Brewer and Adam Strange. It was at the Abbeville PCA Church. It was supposed to be a candlelight ceremony but the fading sun had other plans and took it's time getting out of the sky. It was a pretty ceremony and I think the light coming in through the stained glass added a really nice natural lighting atmosphere to the church.
First Post!'s the first post.
I hope everyone's enjoying the main photo site. It's taken longer than I ever expected to get it up and running. I would say that it's probably 75% finished with a lot of fine tuning to be done. If you've somehow come here first, then go here and check out the main site.
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