Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brewer - Strange Wedding

Here's a sneak peak at my last photo outing. It was the wedding ceremony of Ryan Brewer and Adam Strange. It was at the Abbeville PCA Church. It was supposed to be a candlelight ceremony but the fading sun had other plans and took it's time getting out of the sky. It was a pretty ceremony and I think the light coming in through the stained glass added a really nice natural lighting atmosphere to the church. 

My pastor Jeff did the wedding.
Ryan making her grand entrance.
This one turned out pretty cool.
Out the door and smiling!

First Post!'s the first post.
I hope everyone's enjoying the main photo site. It's taken longer than I ever expected to get it up and running. I would say that it's probably 75% finished with a lot of fine tuning to be done. If you've somehow come here first, then go here and check out the main site.
